Pizza Pizza! One of the best nights out in London-town.

We gettin' Freezy with it.

From our Classical Chaos dance! that's me on the left about to attempt a handstand...

Jungle Scandals!

Jungle Scandals again!

a required initiation into Calgary

One of the most beautiful days ever!

I heart my bubble tea.

posing outside a self-contained bathroom, I guess we're cool like that.

Managed to convince the Twister family to spend a day indoors with me!

That's how close Brandon and I got to hella-cute Vlasic!

with the very pretty Melanie C...

Meee Fam-eee-ya!

An Anna Angie dance?

Yes, that's a penis pin.

One of my best friends Debbie, at our girls night out in New York! I got some straight-up action that night...

with Spice dancin' Boy Cassidy!

One of THE BEST nights out in Vegas, big thanks to Jeff!

with my mom and Paul Gross on the set of Passchendaele. My mom's scene got cut, but she's still named in the credits!


Zombies 2008

with the gorgeous David Beckham

at Josh's ahem, 20th, birthday party (which I'll soon celebrate my own of)

I'll always love you Jack!

still one of my fave pictures : hugs :

from the Boyz dance!

at the closing gala of the Calgary International Film Festival

erm, a random guy or just a random hug?

Cucino & Company!

outside the Manhattan Ballroom!

Me and Matthew get it on, from last year's montage show.

Debauchery at Tunnel Mountain! No better party than a Massage party at a ski chalet...

with some beautiful ladies known as Becca and Bree!

Char gets even more Asian!

This started a lot of things, tee hee.

don't mess with me

BBQ at Mama Dee's!

ohyeah, we get our share of hard candy...

bottoms up!

We ARE Amsterdam!

From an older dance montage dance.

again from dance montage

Typical Angie Freestyle Dance

Can't get enough of them Eton Boys!

a fave group pic from Montage

My favorite Montager!

Sausages, enuff said.

Our 100 Dollar Spaghetti night out, thanks to Mama Dee!

The Speakeasy

Those are Vicious Martinis!